The Jesus Rescue Team embarked on three consecutive evangelism tripe to Kpadjai District which is located along the Volta Lake in the year 2020. The team did a lot of evangelism activities with the Host Church; The Church Of Pentecost Kpadjai District I the Tamale Area. Such activities include house to house evangelism, farm evangelism, open air crusade and rallies in various villages around Kpadjai (Kodome, Kpadjai NO.2, Ada Kope Alhassan Kora, Tankuleku) and Kpadjai Township itself, football match (peace cup) between the Konkombas and Nchumbrus at Kpadjai towards the 2020 Election. Donations local instruments, bibles from the Bible Society of Ghana to the Church members and the Junior High School at Kpadjai, entrepreneurship and sexual orientation programmes for the youth and the church.
The total number of souls won is one hundred and ten (110) out of which sixty-eight (68) were baptised in the Holy Spirit and thirty-two in water baptism.