The Jesus Rescue Team (JRT) undertook a 10 days intensive evangelism in Kamina Barracks District of the Pentecost church (Nyeshie and its surrounding communities like Kogni, Yilonayili, Damankoyili, Laniore Kukuo and Kurumanga) which is located in Tamale in the year 2021. A group of twenty-two (22) missionaries converged at the Circle VIP station and set off from Accra with their luggage at about 3pm-4pm with three joining a flight for their travel. We arrived at Tamale around 4:20am and was welcomed by our host pastor and his team after the team have had a brief thanksgiving prayer section. At about 5pm the team gathered again for devotion to worship God. After that, some continued to one of the chief’s house to pay homage whilst others continued to the church of Pentecost to fellowship with them for an evening revival meeting where one of our partnering missionaries from the USA; Apostle Elizabeth preached and led us to Pray, empowering ourselves and the local assemble for the work that we have come to accomplish on the Land. From the Chief’s palace, a special prayer request was brought, which is an expectation of rain and that God will heal all their diseases in the land. They complained of how their crops were dying and not doing well as a result of delayed rainfall. It hadn’t rained in a long while and the ground was very dry. Nine hours after the prayers where said, Hallelujah, the Lord sent down rain. Glory be to God. Also, in the meeting was Zinga; our other missionary from UK, who doubles as our Overseas Project Coordinator. We had a revival meeting on the next day with Nyeshie local Church, the sermon was delivered briefly by Rev Michael Davies and the church was led in prayer by the Area Head; Apostle Arhin Sylvester who was present in the meeting. The meeting closed around 10pm.The missionaries gathered for a brief evaluation and from that gathering was initiated a prayer travail from 2:00am to 3:30am. The next day; 27th July, we continued with dawn broadcasting coupled with prayers from around 5:00am and also some sort of house evangelism that morning. A young man who has been sick and lost his sanity for about 13years was brought that morning with his father who we carried to the Church premises and prayed for after a hot-heated Prayer time by the missionaries for more and more empowerment from the Holy spirit, we bathed him, got him new clothes and footwear to wear and cooked for him a meal he specifically and specially requested for; Jollof rice which his father also eat! We got for him a new sponge, tooth brush, towel and new sleeves and trousers for him. To the glory of God, his process of recovery begun speedily that Morning, Hallelujah.
We organized our selves and went to another community with Joy singing at about 3:00pm where we started house evangelism till 6:00pam. Having arranged to have a revival meeting that evening together with the Church, the Holy Spirit altered the program and inspired our Leader Pastor Michael Davies to propose an outdoor program rather than it being indoor. Quickly, all hands were put on deck and lights, extension boards were bought and fixed outside immediately, drums and chairs were brought out and arranged, the place was wired and the meeting which has already begun with prayers then became as a crusade -revival that evening. Before the preaching of the word came a film with scenes teaching on the negative impacts of hard drugs, the judgement of the lord and the joy of making it to heaven and the pains that come with hell, also a brief portion of the passion of the Christ. Pastor Ayor Ajani continued with the Sermon, which was preached powerfully on the Name of Jesus, Pastor Foster Moregrace continued with Prayers and Alter call. To the glory of God, many came running to accept Christ that evening. Hallelujah to Jesus. In our records are 2 men; one older man and one youth, also 26 females both young adults and older women who came forward to confess the lordship of Jesus over their lives, Hallelujah! In the service were healed 5 women from diseases that had been tormenting their lives, some for years and others for months. Dawn broadcasting coupled with morning house evangelism continued the Dawn of the 28th of July. The team was divided into two, some dropped off at a different location while the others continued to the place where we went the previous day. There, a man, a Muslim when he heard us praying came and sort that we go with him to pray for his father who had been sick for about four months. That we did and believed God for his healing! The team other team miraculously were allowed into a home during the house evangelism where was a mosque to pray for the entire household; an occurrence beyond the normal. In the next day, a brief Film show that evening. The meeting was characterized with deliverances, healings and great manifestations. Many were delivered from demonic and Satanic oppressions. One older woman surrendered his life to Christ that night. The next day 29th July 2021, we continued for dawn broadcasting around 5:30am. A group took a part of KOGNI whilst another took another portion where we were going to be having crusade the coming evening! Miraculously, a woman approached the team with an issue having to do with a situation in the chief’s Palace; Two women, one suffering from stroke and the other suffering with periodic loss of memory that usually send her wandering away from home. The team prayed intensely with them and their recovery begun speedily that morning.
The next day, we continued for dawn broadcasting around 5:30am. A group took a part of KOGNI whilst another took another portion where we were going to be having crusade the coming evening! Miraculously, a woman approached the team with an issue having to do with a situation in the chief’s Palace; Two women, one suffering from stroke and the other suffering with periodic loss of memory that usually send her wandering away from home. The team prayed intensely with them and their recovery begun speedily that morning. The team returned to our lodge where was held a meeting amongst all the missionaries for the purpose of conducting some evaluations, checks and balances, and to iron out some differences and address some few challenges and necessary issues that had surfaced over the days spent on the grounds. After the meeting, a brief prayer was lifted for some few of our team members who have been broken down in health over the days. The crusade started around 6:00pm. Miraculously, the chief offered that, the crusade be held right Infront of his palace. We took off in the meeting when news came that we have to hold on with the meeting for the mosque to conduct a 30minutes prayers before we continue. Sound was suspended but the missionaries gathered and continued praying vehemently until the mosque concluded; the program continued, the word of God was preached with power by Pastor Ayor Ajani, miracles, deliverances, signs and wonders followed. About 13 souls were won for the lord! That evening, the church prayed believing God to continue blessing the community with rain. Right from that evening, it started to rain even before the crusade closed. It rained till the next day’s afternoon!
This day; 30th July as usual begun with dawn broadcasting at KOGNI. To the Glory of God, the team together with our partner missionary from the USA, Apostle Elizabeth had earlier on begun a borehole project in one of the villages; DAMANKOYILI which was completed and was to be dedicated and commissioned. The missionaries arrived at the ceremonial grounds and to our surprise. Present at the ceremony were the Chief of the community and his elders, the Area Head of the Pentecost Church, the Pastor of the Pentecost Kamina District Church and some deaconesses and else of the Pentecost Church, The Jesus rescue team together with the leaders and partnering missionaries from USA and UK, Reps from the Media; GTV and the entire community. The commissioning was fine by the Area head, the sword was cut by Apostle Elizabeth.
The had a crusade in the same community in the evening. There was film show. About 12 souls gave their lives to Christ that evening.
The next day which was a Sunday, 31st July 2021 the missionaries were distributed to the various villages some with already existing Churches. But some where starting for the first time about three villages. The team returned to have launch and rest a while in preparation towards Sports Evangelism, in which was scheduled a football match for the communities. Two teams played in competition for a trophy and medals which was brought by the missionaries. and Aldo a team formed by the missionaries played against the winning team.
The next day, 1st August the missionaries gathered for a revival and impartation meeting which started from 7:30am till 12:00pm after which we continued to School outreach where we briefly shared a message with the primary students on peer pressure encouraging them to study and do well. With the JHS, we shared a short message with them and assigned them to prepare for a debate the next day!
We had evening crusade at a village called LIONERI KUKUO. We had film show, preaching and prayed for people in attendance and participation were 78 adults, 9 of which were men and the children were 59.
The next day; 2nd August 2021, we had a broadcasting of the gospel in three different locations of the community coupled with prayers and declarations over the land and the inhabitants of the community!
. At noon, we continued to the school and shared a wonderful moment with the JHS student; we had the debate with the motion “Men and women, who is more hard working”, there was also a talk on Peer pressure and values!
They were encouraged to take their studies serious, adhere to positive values and fear the Lord!
Crusade begun in the evening by 7:00pm and closed around 10:40pm. We had a film show, preaching, altar call and deliverance and deliverance. To the glory of God there were miracles and deliverances in the meeting; a man who couldn’t see with his right eye after prayer begun to see clearly, a woman who had pains in her legs and in her chest received healing after being prayed for!
The total souls won during the ten days’ outreach accumulated to 35. Total number of souls baptized in water were 8
We express our heartfelt gratitude first and foremost to the Almighty God, then to the Tamale Area Head and his executive, the District Pastor of Kamina, his wife and all other protocols, especially our volunteers and supporters. May the God of possibilities bless them in all facets of their lives. We pray for the release of more resources for them and their households so that they can continue to support the course of Christ and invest into The Kingdom.